
Research & Innovation Centre

Home Choego
ChoeGo Fablab

De-suung Skilling Programme


ChoeGo houses DSP's own Fab Lab, the ChoeGo Fab Lab. This digital fabrication laboratory is a part of a global community of builders stemming from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Fab Lab. The purpose of the lab is research, learning, and innovation. Fab Labs provide access to the environment, skills, materials, and advanced technology to allow builders to create almost anything with tools like 3D Printers and Laser Cutters.

ChoeGo Fablab provides regular trainings introducing students to the art of digital fabrication.

ChoeGo Fab Lab is managed and operated by three De-suups who have completed the globally recognized Fab Academy Program. For information about ChoeGo Fab Lab, please contact them:

  1. Ms karma Lhakee,Trainer.
    Ph. +975 17 71 24 97.
  2. Ms Ugyen Lhamo,Trainer.
    Ph. +975 17 90 06 18

Dessups and along with instructors took part in the 3-day Bhutan Innovation Forum, where they displayed their projects and engaged with innovators from across the country. Their participation highlighted the important role of creativity and technology in Bhutan's development.

The Road safety project is designed to enhance safety on roads, particularly around sharp turnings where visibility is very limited.

Smart blind stick. The smart blind stick scans the path in front of it with the help of an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor whenever the sensor detects any object in its path.

A parking management system can help to improve the efficiency of parking.

Solar tracker helps the solar panels to generate maximum power and by transitioning to the solar power , we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which plays a crucial role in slowing down the climate change.