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De-suung Skilling Program

DSP aspires to have its trainings certified at the national as well as international level. At the national level, the certifications sought will be those provided by the Bhutan Qualifications and Professionals Certification Authority. At the International level, certifications can be at various level and types based on the skill level and skill areas.

A number of Desuups have undertaken Finance and Accounting courses that have led to international certifications. Likewise, under the ICT domain, CCNA, Festo Certification for Industrial Automation and Robotics courses and eJPT - Junior Penetration Tester certification for the basic Cyber Security program are some examples of international certifications.

Other examples include 7 De-suups and 4-Armed Force personnel (RBP) who received International Certification from YOGA Alliance and became YOGA teachers on 07 October 2022 after the intensive training course offered by the trainers Mr. Troy Turi & Ms. Jolene Jane Bayda from Canada through DSP.