Trainees will grasp the principles and methods of Thai massage /spa, enabling them to administer massage therapy to clientele proficiently. This training will equip individuals to embark on a professional path, offering traditional Thai massage and spa services to generate income.
Slots: 20
Venue: Phaduna, Punakha
Start Date: 15 April 2024
Duration: 3 months
Trainer: Dr. Juthamanee Somboonsut (Thai)
The importance of massage and spa therapies in enhancing physical and mental health, promoting well-being, stimulating economic activity, preserving cultural heritage, and contributing to a more holistic approach to healthcare and self-care. These therapies are valuable skills and job opportunities in the tourism and hospitality, Thai massage and spa services are often a key attraction in the tourism and hospitality industry, leading to increased revenue and economic growth. Consequently, individuals possessing knowledge of Thai traditional massage have an advantage and various opportunities to generate income.